Make India Asbestos Free

Make India Asbestos Free
For Asbestos Free India

Journal of Ban Asbestos Network of India (BANI). Asbestos Free India campaign of BANI is inspired by trade union movement and right to health campaign. BANI has been working since 2000. It works with peoples movements, doctors, researchers and activists besides trade unions, human rights, environmental, consumer and public health groups. BANI demands criminal liability for companies and medico-legal remedy for victims. Editor: Dr. G. Krishna, Advocate

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Asbestos Plant in Jasidih, Deoghar, Jharkhand

Expansion of Asbestos Cement Sheets & Accessories Unit (72,000 TPA to 1,72,000 TPA) at Jasidih Industrial Estate, Jasidih, District Deoghar, Jharkhand by M/s Hyderabad Industries Ltd. (TORs)

The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Asbestos Cement Sheet Plants are listed at S.N. 3(c) under Category ?A? and appraised at the Central level.

M/s Hyderabad Industries Ltd. have proposed for the expansion of Asbestos Cement Sheets & Accessories Unit (72,000 TPA to 1,72,000 TPA)at Jasidih Industrial Estate, Jasidih, District Deoghar, Jharkhand. Project area is 70 acres. No additional land will be required for the expansion project. Total cost of the project is Rs. 35.00 Crores. Rs. 45.00 Lakhs and Rs. 5.00 Lakhs are earmarked towards capital cost and recurring cost for pollution control measures.

Cement, fly ash gypsum, pulp and fibre will be used as raw materials. Fibre will be imported from Canada, Brazil, Russia etc. Asbestos fibres will be imported in fully impermeable bags in pelletized form and will be opened in automatic bag opening device. The empty bags will be shredded in shredder unit. The fibre in the wet form will be taken to Edge Runner Mill. Bag filter type dust collector will be provided. Cement and fly ash is added to make slurry which is then taken to sheet forming machine. Wet sheet is taken to felt and then to drum. After cutting to required length, the sheet is transferred to profiling machine (corrugators). Formed sheets are stacked in between steel moulds (temporary) and air cured in closed chamber. Scrubbers will be provided after bag filters. PAs informed that fully automatic with minimum human intervention.

Total ground water requirement for the expansion from bore wells will be 100 m3/day. This will be in addition to 70 m3/day required for the existing plant. After neutralization cooling tower blow down in a Central Monitoring Basin. The treated effluent will be recycled /reused in plant, dust suppression and green belt development. Service water will be passed through oil separator to remove oil content in the effluent. Domestic effluent will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. No effluent will be discharged outside the premises and ?Zero? discharge will be adopted. Rain water harvesting structure will be constructed.

All the solid wastes viz. Asbestos containing residues and off cuts of Asbestos cement sheets will be collected and recycled in the ball mill and pulverizor. 27% fly ash from nearby thermal power plant will be used in the Asbestos cement sheet plant. Waste oil and used batteries will be sold to authorized recyclers/re-processors.

Existing green belt is 20 acres and green belt will be developed in another 10 acres. Power (700 KVA) is sourced from Jharkhand SEB. DG set (500 KVA) exist & 1010 KVA will be installed during expansion. Employment to 100 persons will be provided.

After deliberations and considering the facts mentioned above, the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) recommended the proposal for the preparation of EIA/EMP as per the following TORs:

1 Present land use of study area for 10 Km radius should be included. Detailed topographical map indicating drainage pattern and other features of the area should also be included.

2 Proposal should be submitted to the Ministry for environment clearance only after acquiring total land. Necessary documents indicating acquisition of land viz. lease deed, allotment letter should be included.

3 High-resolution satellite image data having 1m-5m spatial resolution like quickbird, Ikonos, IRS P-6 pan sharpened etc. for the 10 km radius area from proposed site should be incorporated. The same should be used for land used /land-cover mapping of the area.

4 Project site layout plan, raw materials, fly ash and other storage plans, bore well or water storage, aquifers (within 1 Km.) dumping, waste disposal, green areas, water bodies, rivers/drainage passing through the project site should be included.

5 Cumulative data base of last 2-3 yrs. for emissions e.g. aerosols size, optical depth, CO, CO2, surface and air temperature, NO, CH4, anions / cations / trace metals as given below in surface/subsurface water with present GW level and its fluctuation for last 5-10 yrs from CGWB.

6 For the project lying within 10 km radius of any major river, Flood Hazard Zonation Mapping is required at 1:5000 to 1;10,000 scale indicating the peak and lean river discharge as well as flood occurrence frequency.

7 Geo-technical data by a bore hole of upto 40 mts. in every One sq. km area such as ground water level, SPTN values, soil fineness, geology, shear wave velocity etc. for liquefaction studies. This will help making a future Seismic Hazard and Earthquake Risk Management area.

8 Site-specific micro-meteorological data including inversion height and mixing height should be included

9 Modern up-to-date Asbestos plant with automatic bag opening devices should be installed.

10 The safety measures adopted during import and transport of Asbestos from Canada, Brazil, Russia etc. should be included.

11 Details of the other industries located in 10 km radius should be included

12 Data on existing ambient air, stack emission, fugitive emissions data; water requirement and water balance cycle; generation, re-utilization and disposal of solid/ hazardous waste for the existing plant and predicted increase in pollution load (GLCs) due to proposed expansion should be incorporated.

13 Point-wise compliance to the specific and general conditions stipulated in the environmental clearance for the existing plant.

14 One season base line data on air, water, soil & noise etc. should be included

15 A chapter on chemistry of asbestos, handling of asbestos material, precautions proposed for the direct contact, arrangements made for storage and monitoring of asbestos fibres etc. other details as per given below:

i. Size of silica sand, transportation, storage, spillway of melt and temperature management for float glass and mirror Industry along with silicosis management and toxicity studies and management for Ag etc.

ii. Source and location of Asbestos (GPS) even if imported, size in F/ml, levels in environment, Chemical composition of raw material as especially amount of Tremolite, Crocidolite, Amosite and other amphiboles, Hexavalent chromium in raw material especially in serpentine, talc and chrysotile, Electron microscopy, XRD and Raman Spectra studies.

iii. Health Management Plan for Mesothalmia, Lung cancer and Asbestosis related problems in asbestos industries.

16 Petrological and Chemical analysis and other chemical properties of raw materials used (with GPS location of source of raw material) i.e. ores, minerals, rock, soil, coal, iron, dolomite quartz etc. using high definition and precision instruments mentioning their detection range and methodology such Digital Analyzers, AAS with Graphite furnace, ICPMS, MICRO-WDXRF, EPMA, XRD, Nano studies or at least as per I30-10500 and WHO norms. These analysis should include trace element and metal studies like Cr (vi) Ni, Fe, As, Pb, Zn, Hg, Se, S etc. Presence of radioactive elements (U, Th etc.),

17 Petrography, grain size analysis and Major element analysis of raw material and soil from project site and raw material should be done on the same parameters along with analysis for SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, MnO, K2O, CaO, FeO, Fe2O3, P2O5, H2O, CO2.

18 If the rocks, ores, raw material has trace elements their petrography, ore microscopy, XRD, elemental mapping EPMA, XRF is required to quantify the amount present in it and hence future risk involved while using it and management plan.

19 Mode of transport of raw materials from sources are to be shown. All the trucks for raw material and finished product transportation must be ?Environmentally Compliant?

20 Studies are also required for fly ash, muck disposal, slurry, sludge material and solid waste generated if the raw materials used has trace elements and a management plan.

21 Air quality modelling for the Asbestos handling system. Ambient air quality monitoring modelling alongwith cumulative impact. Following are to be included as an annexure for the day (24 hrs) considered for maximum GLC:

I. Emissions (g/second) with and without the air pollution control measures

II. Meteorological inputs (wind speed, m/s), wind direction, ambient air temperature, cloud cover, relative humidity & mixing height) on hourly basis

III. Model input options for terrain, plume rise, deposition etc.

IV. Print-out of model input and output on hourly and daily average basis

V. A graph of daily averaged concentration (MGLC scenario) with downwind distance at every 500 m interval covering the exact location of GLC.

VI. Details of air pollution control methods used with percentage efficiency that are used for emission rate estimation with respect to each pollutant

VII. Applicable air quality standards as per LULC covered in the study area and % contribution of the proposed plant to the applicable Air quality standard. In case of expansion project, the contribution should be inclusive of both existing and expanded capacity.

VIII. No. I-VII are to be repeated for fugitive emissions and any other source type relevant and used for industry

IX. Graphs of monthly average daily concentration with down-wind distance

X. Specify when and where the ambient air quality standards are exceeded either due to the proposed plant alone or when the plant contribution is added to the background air quality.

XI. Fugitive dust protection or dust reduction technology for workers within 30 m of the plant active areas.

22 Sources of secondary emissions, its control and monitoring as per the CPCB guidelines and latest notification vide G.S.R. 414(E) dated 30thMay, 2008 should be included.

23 Chemical characterization of RSPM and incorporation of RSPM data. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction.

24 Action plan to follow National Ambient Air Quality Emission Standards issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R. No. 826(E) dated 16th November, 2009 should be included.

25 Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site should be submitted to harvest rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the ground water and also to use for the various activities at the project site to conserve fresh water and reduce the water requirement from other sources. Rain water harvesting and groundwater recharge structures may also be constructed outside the plant premises in consultation with local Gram Panchayat and Village Heads to augment the ground water level. Incorporation of water harvesting plan for the project is necessary, if source of water is bore well.

26 Actual source and permission for the drawl of ?? m3/day water from bore well from the SGWB/CGWA or concerned authority and water balance data including quantity of effluent generated, recycled and reused and discharged is to be provided. Methods adopted/to be adopted for the water conservation should be included

27 Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 locations should be included.

28 Surface as well as roof top rain water harvesting and ground water recharge should be included.

29 Scheme for proper storage of asbestos fibres and disposal of solid/hazardous waste should be included.

30 Presence of an aquifer/aquifers within 1 km of the project boundaries should be included. Management plan for recharging the aquifer should be given so as to limit the water extraction within permissible limit of CWC or CGWB should be included.

31 Source of surface/ground water level, site (GPS), cation, anion (Ion Chromatograph), metal trace element (as above) chemical analysis for water to be used. If surface water is used from river, rainfall, discharge rate, quantity, drainage and distance from project site should also be included.

32 Ground water analysis with bore well data, litho-logs, drawdown and recovery tests to quantify the area and volume of aquifer and its management should be included.

33 Ground water modeling showing the pathways of the pollutants should be included

34 Column leachate study for all types of stockpiles or waste disposal sites, at 20oC-50oC should be conducted and included.

35 All samplings for water have to be done during the peak summer time (Sampling number, dates and standard deviation should be included.

36 Incorporation of water harvesting plan for the project is necessary, if source of water is bore well should be ensured.

37 Provision of traps and treatment plants are to be made, if water is getting mixed with oil, grease and cleaning agents should be included.

38 If the water is mixed with solid particulates, proposal for sediment pond before further transport should be included. The sediment pond capacity should be 100 times the transport capacity.

39 Wastewater characteristics (heavy metals, anions and cations, trace metals, PAH) from asbestos bearing effluent should be included.

40 The pathways for pollution via seepages, evaporation, residual remains are to be studied for surface water (drainage, rivers, ponds, lakes), sub-surface and ground water with a monitoring and management plans should be included.

41 All stock piles should be on top of a stable liner to avoid leaching of materials to ground water.

42 The green belt should be around the project boundary in 33 % area and a scheme for greening of the traveling roads should also be incorporated. All rooftops/terraces should have some green cover.

43 Disaster Management Plan including risk assessment and damage control needs to be addressed and included.

44 Arrangements for the proper monitoring of the occupational health of the workers should be included. Occupational hazards specific pre-placement and periodical monitoring and periodical monitoring should be carried out. The detailed plan to carry out above mentioned activity should be mentioned. The measures to protect the workers from accidents and other safety issues. Detailed plan for the same. Man machine relationship. How the issue of man-machine relationship to protect the workers from musculo-skeletal disorder such as backache, arthritis, body ache etc.

45 Detailed action plan for compliance of the directions of the Hon?ble Supreme Court of India regarding occupational health and safety measures in asbestos industries should be included.

46 Detailed description of the flora and fauna (terrestrial and aquatic) should be given with special reference to rare, endemic and endangered species.

47 Compliance to the recommendations mentioned in the CREP guidelines should be included.

48 An action plan on entire operation should be automatic and closed system for all operations for fibre handling and processing should be included.

49 Details of arrangement for measurement and monitoring of asbestos fibre (Phase contrast microscope) should be included.

50 Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details of air pollution control system water & wastewater management, monitoring frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure should be provided.

51 EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recovery techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.

52 EMP should include a clear map for plantation/green belt.

53 Commitment that laboratory for monitoring asbestos fibres will be established at the site.

54 At least 5 % of the total cost of the project should be earmarked towards the corporate social responsibility and item-wise details alongwith time bound action plan should be included. Socio-economic development activities need to be elaborated upon.

55 Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.

56 Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof should also be included.

The Expert Committee (Industry) decided that PAs may be communicated the above `TORs` for the preparation of EIA/EMP including other information as per the generic structure given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. As soon as the draft EIA/EMP report is prepared, the same may be submitted by the PAs to the Jharkhand Pollution Control Board (JPCB) for conducting public hearing/public consultation as per EIA Notification, 2006. On finalization of EIA/EMP prepared as per TORs and addressing and incorporating all concerns raised during public hearing / public consultation, the same should be submitted to the MoEF for prior environmental clearance.

It is noted that no public hearing/consultation will be required as per Section (iii), Stage (3), Para (i)(b) of EIA Notification 2006, only if a copy of the Gazaette Notification issued by the Govt. of Jharkhand indicating location of the project in notified Jasidih industrial estate is submitted. In that case, final EIA/EMP will be submitted to MoEF for prior environmental clearance.

Hindustan Composites Limited, Ghatkopar, Mumbai and

Pralhad Malwadkar, OHSC,Mumbai:

Ravi narrated his work experience (he was employee of HCL since 1974 till the factory closed down in

2004) in the factory, which was set up by UK based asbestos major Turner and Newell, which later sold off

its shares to its Indian subsidiary. Ravi narrated how he and his co‐workers were unaware of hazards of

asbestos and handled asbestos fibres without any precaution, mostly imported from Canada, South

Africa, Zimbabwe, and Brazil to manufacture asbestos brake liners, friction material, and textiles. Most of

the warning or hazard information that was printed on the imported asbestos bags was in English and no

one trained the workers for safety or any precaution to be taken while opening the bags. The workers

came to know of asbestos hazards and its impact on their health when Krantikari Kamgar Union alongwith

OHSC organised health camp infront of the factory gate.

In the ’60s and ’70s, masks were only worn when the factory’s British owners came to visit. In the ’80s and ’90s, masks were worn sporadically. A machine to expel the asbestos dust was used, but run at a low setting to save money. He says in 2002, safety measures were stepped up, and masks were given out every day.

The company sent them for medical checkups every year, but they were never told if there was a health problem

In 2004, OHSC with KKU organised a medical camp and diagnosed 41 confirmed cases

of asbestosis. Out of these cases, 36 workers went to labour commissioner to file for compensation for

health damages. In 2008, a survey was started with 648 workers in which earlier workers who had been

diagnosed in 2004 were also included for reassessment. Total 864 workers are now being studied. With a

doctor and a researcher the survey was started. Between April‐June 2008, 260 workers were surveyed

and PFT tests conducted, 170 workers referred for x‐rays. 45 workers were confirmed for asbestosis. Later

530 workers were surveyed. 92 confirmed cases of absestosis were diagnosed. So far 133 cases have been

found to be confirmed cases of asbestosis have been found in this factory, with 2 cases of lung cancer and

one case of larynx cancer. Besides, claims are being filed in the T&N Trust in the UK for compensation of

affected workers.

The company was incorporated on 1st July 1964.The certificate of   commencement of business was obtained on 19th August 1964. It was  jointly promoted by TURNER & NEWALL LTD.,  MANCHESTER, a wholly owned  subsidiary of TURNER & NEWALL LTD, with 74% equity participation.  The  company acquired the undertaking of Asbestos, Magnesia & Friction  Material Ltd., comprising its entire manufacturing businesses well as  the estate, factory and office, with approximately 18 acres of land at  Agra road in GHATKOPAR BOMBAY.  In November the company entered into  technical assistance agreements with the operating subsidiaries of  TURNER & NEWALL LTD., under which it was entitled to get technical  assistance (i) from FERRODO LTD., for the manufacture of FERRODO  friction materials for a consideration of pound sterling 5000 per  annum payable for a period of 5 years, (ii) from J.W. ROBERTS LTD.,  for the manufacture of FEROBESTOS asbestos flooring sheets for a  consideration of pound sterling 1000 per annum payable for a period  if 5 years.             1982: A strike by the employees had an impact on the sales for the  year. During the year the company received Government approval  for  additional capacities of 1325 tonnes of brake linings and 10 lakh  nos. of clutch facings. A collaboration agreement with VALCO, FRANCE  for the manufacture of diaphragm  clutches was also signed.    1983: There was a recession in demand in most of the company's  product lines. During October the company issued 206093 - 12.5%  convertible debentures of Rs 180 each of which 148000 debentures were  offered to the public. Allotment was made on 14th December. Rs.80 out  of the face value of each debenture was convertible into 5 equity  shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.6 per share after 6 months  but before 12 months from the date of allotment without any further  act or application by the debenture holders (conversion rights  already exercised). The balance of  Rs.100 per debenture is redeemable at par in three annual instalments  of Rs.35 Rs.35 and Rs.30 at the end 7th, 8th and 9th year respectively  from the date of allotment of the debentures.     The company has acquired 44,886 sq.mts. of land at Paithan in  Aurangabad district of Maharastra, during the period for setting up  one or more remaining plants of the company for  expansion/diversification.    1984: The working was adversely affected due sluggish market  conditions, keen competition, escalation in the cost of inputs,  higher interest burden and steep increase in the Dollar Rupee parity.   During the year application was filed for Industrial licence for the  manufacture of speciality industrial gaskets in technical  collaboration with FLEXITALLIC LTD., U.K.                      1985: The working conditions were adversely affected by depressed  market, work stoppages during July, September and October, additional  bonus payment and implementation of an early voluntary retirement  scheme.            1986: Manufacture of diaphragm clutches at Jalna commenced.            1987: Work force at Ghatkopar plant was trimmed to make the  operations economically viable            1988-89: Low capacity utilisation at Jalna, the delayed commissioning  of the Bandra unit and the loss of production at Ghatkopar unit during  February/March 1989 caused by inter-union rivalry, adversely affected  the internal accruals of the company.            1989-90: New markets were identified for its products and new items  were added to its range of exports. Depreciation of the Rupee against  the US and Canadian dollar imposed burden on the cost of raw asbestos,  a principal raw material. The Jalna plant was proposed to be disposed.  Necessary approvals were awaited.            1990-91: Operations were discontinued at Ghatkopar plant from 18th  October, 1990 to 15th May, 1991 and at Bandra from 9th January, 1991  to 14th April, 1991. The proposal to dispose the Jalna plant was  dropped and a strategy to run the unit without loss was evolved.    1996-97: There was a strike at Paithan factory for 3 months. But in  spite of it, the company managed to increase the turnover and profit  marginally to Rs 62.81 crores and Rs 2.26 crores from Rs 60.87 crores  & Rs 1.91 crores respectively.    2007    -Hindustan Composites Ltd has informed  that Mr.V.R. Tripathi, Vice  President will be treated as the Compliance Officer of the Company  w.e.f. 10th February 2007.    2008    -Hindustan Composites Ltd has repoointed Mr. P K Choudhary as  Managing Director of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. March  18, 2008, subject to the approval of members of the Company in their  general meeting.    - Hindustan Composites Ltd has has appointed Lt. Gen. (Retd.) K.S.  Brar as an Independent Additional Director of the Company w.e.f. 30th  September 2008.


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